5 Reasons Why Hoopr is the Best Choice for Copyright-Free Music

Hoopr is India’s leading music licensing marketplace that provides copyright-free music to content creators, brands, filmmakers, agencies and more! With a library of over 5,000 tracks and sound effects, Hoopr offers its subscribers music across a vast slew of genres, moods and use-cases. It’s hard to not find what you need when you need it! With 180k+ users till date since its inception in September 2022, Hoopr is has been providing premium music to it’s loyal subscriber base. Hoopr is a complete must-have for anyone creating content and we’re here to tell you why!

Here’s 5 reasons why Hoopr should be your go-to for copyright-free music: 

1. Authentic Indian Copyright- Free Music

There are many alternatives to Hoopr that also provide copyright-free music but none that possess a catalogue of Indian music. This is where Hoopr stands out! Hoopr contains an amazing catalogue of authentic Indian music in Indian languages, with Indian instruments and Indian melodies. This allows users to soundtrack their content with actual Indian music made by local talent which adds a touch of authenticity in their vlogs, films, shows, advertisements and more. From Indian Classical & Region-based Folk to Devotional to Indian Pop, we’ve got you covered on all sides!

2. Variety of Subscription Plans

No matter what kind of creator you are, Hoopr has a subscription plan tailor-made just for you. Our Digital Creator plans have been carefully crafted to cover all your music needs. Whether you’re a creator that’s starting out or a seasoned professional, our subscription plans cover all your requirements. Starting at just ₹249 a month, you can pick a plan that suits you best. The Digital Creator plans include – the Creator Starter plan, the Creator Pro plan and the Creator Elite plan. And we didn’t forget about businesses! We have a separate tier for brands called our Enterprise plans which can be accessed by contacting our Sales team! 

For more information on our subscription plans and help on which one to use, you can check out our article ‘Guide to Hoopr’s Subscription Plans’!

3. Easy Discovery

Hoopr’s website has a number of features that make it easy for you to find exactly what you need! We have a selection of carefully curated playlists across multiple themes, moods and use-cases. Our handcrafted playlists make it easy for you to discover music on the website. 

You can also use our amazing filters to personalise your searches! Choose between vocal or instrumental, choose your preferred mood, genre, use-case and even BPM (beats per minute). All of these features have been designed specifically for users to be able to find what they need, when they need it. It reduces time wasted looking for the perfect song to soundtrack your video and makes your overall experience on Hoopr fun as well as efficient. 

4. Empowering Indie Musicians

Not only is Hoopr good for creators, it’s good for musicians too! All the music you see on Hoopr has been made by talented independent artists from around the world! We believe in giving artists a platform to showcase their work in a new and innovative way that is conducive to their success as well. The team here at Hoopr is dedicated to finding talent hidden across India and helping them monetize their work fairly. 

Exploring Hoopr’s library will help you discover a number of amazingly talented artists that you wish you’d heard of before! Not only that, Hoopr also hosts top-lining contests that singers, rappers and songwriters can participate in to have their track featured on the website along with other exciting opportunities. The contest is called Sing To Sync and it is a great way for musicians to unlock passive income. 

5. Lifetime Licenses and Custom Tracks

For individuals wanting to buy a singular track from the platform, they can obtain what is called a Lifetime License to the track of their choice! As the name suggests, the Lifetime License grants you the permission to use the track for a lifetime. The Lifetime License gives you the piece of mind to make a certain track your signature sound without having to worry about copyright strikes or your subscription expiring. Currently, there are 3 types of Lifetime License you can choose from – Individual Creator, Branded Content and Movies/TV Shows/Web Series. 

If that’s not exclusive enough, you can also reach out to our team at Hoopr and explore the possibilities of creating a custom track for you! 

Subscribe today and become #hooprpowered!

Now that we’ve given you 5 awesome reasons why you should subscribe to Hoopr, what are you waiting for? Choose your preferred plan and join thousands of creators in soundtracking your content with Hoopr’s copyright-free music!