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A journey from $0-$1000 - How to monetize your YouTube Channel in 2022

“When can I start making money on YouTube?”


This question crosses the mind of every content creator. And the answer to this is pretty simple –

  • Build a dedicated tribe of atleast 1000 subscribers,
  • Create captivating content to hook people for long and rack up 4,000 hours of watch-time,

Achieve these numbers all under the span of 12 months, and VOILA! You’re eligible to generate revenue from YouTube.

Pretty easy, right?

It won’t be until you know you’ve to comply to –

  • YouTube Community Guidelines
  • YouTube Channel Monetization Policies
  • Advertiser-friendly Content Guidelines

We apologize if we have put you off! But this is the reality. Getting those numbers isn’t enough to monetize your YouTube Channel.

Therefore, we have curated a comprehensive guide containing all the necessary information prerequisite to answer – ‘How to monetize your YouTube Channel in 2022’

In this guide, we will take you through –

  • YouTube’s Holy Grail: YouTube Partner Program
  • How to check your channel’s eligibility?
  • Fundamentals of YouTube Channel Monetization Policies
  • Breakdown of Revenue

Let’s begin!


YouTube’s Holy Grail: YouTube Partner Program


For any YouTube content creator, getting into YouTube Partner Program should be on top of the checklist. This allows content creators to monetize their videos.

That’s what we are in here for, right?

Aside from creating fresh content every week, you should also focus on achieving the eligibility criteria set by YouTube – 

  • Have a minimum of 1,000 subscribers on the YouTube channel
  • Have total watch-time of 4000 hours in the last 12 months 
  • Live in a country where YouTube Partner Program is available
  • Have no active Community Guidelines Strikes on the channel
  • Have linked AdSense account

These thresholds are designed to generate insights and information necessary to review the performance of your channel against YouTube’s guidelines.

For example, if your channel ticks all the boxes, it would only take a while (a month) before you can run ads on your videos


PRO TIP: To accomplish the mammoth ‘4000 hours’ watch-time, do as many live streams as you can. Believe it or not, their watch-time does count!

How to check your channel eligibility?


Before even indulging in this thought, check the location settings of your YouTube Channel. YouTube Partner Program is specifically available in ONLY a few regions/countries.

Though there’s another way to know whether your YouTube channel is eligible for monetization or not. Here’s how to check:

  1. Log in to YouTube
  2. Go to the YouTube Studio
  3. Click Monetization in the left navigation menu

Once you’ve reached both milestones, you’ll see an ‘APPLY NOW’ button in blue. Click it!


All that is left for you to do now is sign the Partner Program terms & sign up for a Google AdSense account before your channel has been sent for review. 

Every channel that meets the threshold will have to go through the standard review process defined by YouTube. The process takes a little over a month, as the reviewers manually evaluate your content against their guidelines.

Keep your fingers crossed! And if you get accepted, we hope you have an Ad strategy in place.

PRO TIP: If your application is rejected, don’t get disheartened. You can reapply after 30 days. This would give you ample time to address the problem.

Introduction: YouTube Channel Monetization Policies


As mentioned above, meeting the threshold number won’t even mean a thing if your content voices:

  • Spam, deceptive practices, and scams
  • Nudity and sexual content
  • Child safety
  • Harmful or dangerous content
  • Hate speech
  • Harassment and cyberbullying,

YouTube has imposed stringent punishment for those who violate YouTube Community Guideline. If found guilty, your channel will never be eligible for monetization, and if the severity deepens, your channel will be removed from YouTube.

Since reviewers can’t check each video on your channel, they may focus on other factors on your channel to draw the conclusion:

  • Main theme
  • Most viewed videos
  • Newest videos
  • Biggest proportion of watch time
  • Video metadata (including titles, thumbnails, and descriptions)
  • Copyrighted Material – Music/Image/Video

Note: Reviewers can check other parts of your channel like Previous Copyright Strikes/Content ID Claims, spam comments, ‘like to dislike’ ratio, etc., to see whether it fully meets YouTube policies. 


PRO TIP: 90% of the Copyright Strikes and Content ID Claims happens to be on music. If you want to monetize your soundtracked videos, the wise would suggest using licensing music from Hoopr. You can choose from thousands of songs & sound effects to enhance the user experience. To know more about Copyright Strike, read our blog – ‘YouTube Content Creators Guide to Avoid Copyright Strike.’  

Breakdown of Revenue


Ads, paid content, super chat, subscription, merch, etc., when it comes to generating revenue from the YouTube channel, the possibilities are endless. 

If you’re thinking of monetizing your content with ads, which is preferred by the majority of YouTubers, here are the key ‘points of consideration’ to calculate your total earning from ads – 

  • Channel owner is entitled to 55% of all advertising profits from AdSense, whereas YouTube will get the other 45%
  • 70-30 revenue share split of Super Chats and Channel Memberships.
  • YouTube sends a minimum of $100 to your bank account, and it takes up to 60 days to arrive.

Note: Advertisement revenue is based on the number of views on a video, the geography of the audience & the niche you’re in.

Besides, make sure your content meets YouTube’s Advertiser-friendly content guidelines.

By following this guideline, you’ll get the general idea of which genre of content is suitable for advertisement and which is not.

We have collated the list of things that are not advertiser-friendly, and you should definitely avoid using it in your videos:

  • Inappropriate language
  • Violence
  • Adult content
  • Shocking content
  • Harmful or dangerous acts
  • Hateful & derogatory content
  • Recreational drugs and drug-related content
  • Firearms-related content
  • Controversial issues
  • Sensitive events
  • Incendiary and demeaning
  • Tobacco-related content
  • Adult themes in family content

PRO TIP: How-To Tutorials, Product Review, Comedy, Challenge, or Meme are some of the most-watched genres on YouTube in 2022.

With this, we have concluded all the necessary information required to answer – ‘How to monetize your YouTube Channel in 2022’

We wish you all the best in your endeavor! And don’t forget to give us a shoutout ☺